Friday, April 12, 2013

Peas and Onions

     Yesterday the weather was a bit colder and starting to go downhill so we thought it would be a good idea to get the peas and onions in the ground. We are a little behind on our planting schedule due to the long cold winter.
Rows of onions
                                                                                                                                                                           The variety of onions we planted came from Territorial Seed company in cottage Grove, Oregon.                               

     I like Territorial Seed because they have good quality seeds and they signed the safe seed pledge which means they don't use genetically modified seeds.  The variety I planted is the Northern Mixed bunch which consists of Walla Walla, Redwing and Ringmaster.

Pea Towers
We put up the pea towers and got the peas in the ground.  We planted super sugar snap peas.  They did very well last year so we thought we'd plant them again this year.

     Thank God we started planting yesterday because today it is cold and rainy.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


     Another warm day today.  With temperatures in the 80's It is feeling more like summer than spring.  My favorite part of the garden this time of year is the chives coming up in the herb garden.  They are so green and healthy looking.

     Before you know it the chives will be about 2ft tall with their pretty purple flowers.  They are perennials that are part of the allium schoenoprasum.  Chives have a mild onion flavor that goes well with eggs, fish, potatoes,salads and soup. My favorite way to eat chives is with sour cream on a baked potato
     Chives are pretty easy to grow.  They thrive in a well drained, sunny location. Chives require 6 to 8 hours of light and do not require heavy fertilizing. When you are ready to harvest them all you have to do is cut them with scissors about 2 inches from the root.

Monday, April 8, 2013


     After a long cold and busy winter, we are finally able to start blogging again.  Let's show you what's been happening on the farm.
The hens are enjoying the warm weather

     The chickens had a quiet winter but now that the weather is getting warmer and the sun is out longer they have been busy laying eggs.

Sasha enjoying the yard

The garden is ready
     Today the weather was perfect to start preparing the garden for this growing season.  We tilled the soil and removed any grass or weeds.  The chunks of grass and weeds we gave to the chickens to pick through.

the herb garden

     Our herb garden looks empty now but soon it will be filled with all kinds of herbs.  Right now the chives are coming up and in the background is a rosemary bush.  

"I'm working on my base tan for the Summer."
      Now we are all really to start gardening this season.